Dynamic Creative Optimization

Leverage your organization’s data assets to create automated and effective always on advertising with dynamic feed ads. Include information tied to your products, services, promotions or stores.

Leverage your organization’s data assets to create automated and effective always on advertising with dynamic feed ads
Include information tied to your products, services, promotions or stores
Efficently scale local campaigns with specific messaging and targeting

Why dynamic feed ads?

Thousands of unique ads give less user ad fatigue and better relevance.
No ongoing banner production costs.
Automatic optimization towards ads that give the highest user engagement.
Feed data is transferred server to server and is not reliant on user cookies.
Automatically turn on / off advertising based on signals such as stock information.
Select products to advertise manually, or let the system randomize and optimize.
Always on advertising based on your current products or services.
Manually add products that do not exist in the feed.

Scalable Local Advertising for Chain Stores

The problem: Chain stores are challenged with keeping consistency in branding and messaging while launching effective local marketing campaigns. Often campaigns are bought and delivered locally without insights and coordination from the central organisation. Finding and evaluating the best marketing expertise and vendors might also pose a struggle to local actors.

The solution: BidTheatre provides unique functionality for brands active in multiple geographic locations such as franchise or store chains. By combining dynamic feed ads with BidTheatre Campaign Bundles you may efficiently launch hundreds of campaigns with local messaging and targeting.

Let store address, opening hours, logo or other custom images appear in the ad.
Add store specific campaign messaging.
Share store specific reporting via email.
Leverage all BidTheatre targeting possibilities such as geo, sites, audience data and retargeting.
Simple UI for the advertiser's central organisation to inspect and manage campaign assets.


Scalable local advertising with dynamic ads is flexible and can be adapted to suit needs of multiple different industries.

More information

Visit our help center to find more information about Dynamic Creative Optimization.

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Get started
Marcus Johansson
Daniel Wallin
Account executive
Peter Karlsson
Country Manager